Friday, May 18, 2007


The following are the basic Linux commands, and are listed with their uses.

1) ls -: list the contents of the current directory. Only files that are not hidden are listed.

2) ls –la -: list the hidden files too, with sole permissions displayed

3) cd :- chage directory to the specified one . (eg: cd /tmp , where tmp is the specified directory)

4) cd.. :- change to the parent directory

5) pwd :- list the present working directory

6) ps –e :- list all the currently running processes with process numbers

7) kill :- kill a process ( eg : kill 4709 where 4709 is the process no)

8) mkdir :- make a new folder. ( eg: mkdir /new )

9) su :- if you are a regular user, typing su , then root password will give you permissions of root user.

10) df –h :- list the current usage status of all drives associated with your Linux system and the available free spaces.

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